Monday, June 17, 2013

Removing the generator / Electronics?

This evening was spent removing the bench/ storage area that housed the generator and wiring for the electrical system.
There was not much to it but it was built to withstand a train wreck.
Not one bolt or screw can be unscrewed. They have been paint over or the ends of the bolt/screw has been mushroomed so the nut will not vibrate off. Soooo, that means that each one has to be cut off.
Message to self...Remember to keep a fire can near by. All the rotten wood makes wonderful tinder.
While grinding, I had to stop often to dampen the floor to keep the risk of fire to a minimum.
( yes, I learned that the hard way.)
We will be rebuilding the bench and storage area.
It will not be with the sheet metal and patches that were removed.

It appears that this was the original area where the batteries were stored. The floor was rotten so that could be why the batteries were moved to the locker, next to the crib.






 It appears that the storage areas...lockers , were built at different times. Some on top of the interior wood and some areas the interior wood was installed over them.
Not sure how I'm going to do this one.



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