Friday, June 14, 2013

More Demo but with some big help!

Last evening was another Demo night.
I did have big help! I was given a Front Loader to help get the debris from the caboose to the dumpster.
I don't know if I have what it takes to be a full time operator but it sure was cool.
The heater was the first thing to be moved. They had it bolted through the floor and it was hard to be in the caboose and under to keep a hand on both sides of the bolt so...I cut them off.

Taking down the wood from the ceiling sure makes a mess.

Before the night was over, I had filled the front loader bucket twice.
That is my little helper, outside the door.

The floor has a lot of rotten boards.
They will need to be replaced 

The outside skin is rotten in many areas.
I am going to have to sandblast that and see what we have left to salvage or replace.

This is the vent pipe for the heater/stove.

When things were hung inside, they seem to like drilling straight through the roof and the side walls to mount things.
Those holes will be welded over.
I want to minimize all of the paths that water may have to the inside.

I ended the evening with the heater wall and the ceiling wood removed.
I am just under 1/3 of the way to having all the interior wood removed.
The center area will be next.
I don't think that will go as fast.
I have to contend with the lockers and the cupola
This is dirty work

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