Monday, April 21, 2014

One Window done

This Saturday I set out to referb the windows and the two openings on the east end of the copula.
The windows are a mess. They frame of the window is rotten and it has been fulled with sealer.

each window was riveted into the frame, then a separate piece of sheet metal was added and then the 
window was screwed to the plate.

I started with grinding the rivets and removing them.

After the rivets were knocked in , I started cleaning up the window.

The cleaning took a while.
Then I started to clean and repair the frame.
There were very messy
This picture shows the gap the existed and that was filled with caulk.
I decided to weld a filler piece into the frame then I went to work on the front and filled the gap.

After I welded the gap closed, I used a bit of the filler to get a smooth and even and waterproof look.

Once sanded, I primed and reassembled the window.

I will put the rest of the bolts in tonight.

Three more to go!

Window Two!

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