Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Time to get Floored

So, the word is that we need to move the caboose to a new location, withing the property. This will give it a new pedestal, new look and a nicer siding to help show her off. We will only be moving her about 40' from the current location but it will take a bit of "doing".
Before that can happen, I wanted to be sure the structural portion of the floor was replaced. It was in really bad shape from the constant water damage and use. soooooo, the old must go!  

Removing the old was a mess and make for tricky footing

And , in with the new

Oh! Did I mention that we had the cabinets and lockers sand blasted and primed? Well, we did.
It saved me a lot of hours. Below are the before and after.
We will be painting them black soon.
I think we will wait till the car is moved to do that.

and after...

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