Monday, August 22, 2016

The last bit of welding

The weekend was spent doing , what i will hope is  the last bit of welding.
I could spend so many more hours on the ol' girl but we need to get her final "make-up" on.
At this point I will still need to sand an few rough spots where I used the metal filler.
I will be visiting her, a few evenings to be looking for any remaining holes that I may have missed.
My plan is to have a very powerful light inside the car and to examine the outside and look for light leaks.
I believe she is watertight but I want to be sure.

Here are some shots from Saturday.

The rust was pretty bad.

 I had to cut down and then grind the lip off the floor section. After, I used clamps to draw the wall of the car and the new angle iron that I attached to the floor first.

 The corners where water can sit were bad

I sill wish I was a better welder. I would rather is be pretty and strong

The few spots of silver are the areas that I used the filler to smooth out.
Nothing structural was done with that.
Just don't trust it.

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