Monday, March 30, 2015

More spring snow and "yes", I do windows

The morning started with driving through the " flurries" they called for last eve. Sorry... these may be flurries by definition
but they are a game changer when it comes to welding

I decided to not work on the last section of roof so I would not be outside welding in that all day.
I moved my efforts to one of the four side windows.

Each of the four are an equal mess.
There are three parts to each assembly.
1. the window
2. The inner window mounting frame
3. the outer window mounting frame

There are three areas where water has been entering the car because the sealers have all failed and there were attempts to re-seal them without removing the window and sealing the surface of the seam.

I decided to make it two parts.
1. window
2. mounting frame

Doing this will remove one of the seams that could possibly leak.

I started by removing the entire assembly. I grinned off the rivets and removed the unit.

I removed the window from the frames

There was a lot of cleaning and scraping to do.
I welded the two frames together and sealed them together.

Then I cleaned and polished the window and got it ready to go back in.

then i had to prep the hole.
It needed to be cleaned and primed.

I installed the frame first and that was a blessing.
I was able to work on the bolts from the interior.
I applied a generous amount of roof flange sealer from Liquid Nails.
Then bolted in the frame. with the window!

Looks nice and hopefully, water tight for 100 years!
Only three more to go!
(6 hours to do this...uhggggg)

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