Monday, October 27, 2014

The Chimney

The chimney weighed a TON!

Water was leaking through the joint.

I cut the bolts and hammered them though

When the portion if the chimney on the interior broke loose... It made a a crazy loud bang as it hit the floor inside.
That part must weigh 100 lbs.!!

The hole needs to be cleaned up and primed

The top had to be cleaned up. I cut the top off and removed the section that was rusted so I can re-weld the top back to good metal.

More on this next week.

Well, all the parts have been cleaned and primed.
Did I mention they weighed a TON!?

Now the fun begins...putting it back up.
The top should be no problem.
Did I mention the weight?
These parts are all Cast Iron.
I believe the base it approx. 80-90 lbs and the top is very close to the same.
Not the best task being solo.

Its done.
The interior was a pain.
I had to lift it in place and find a way to put a washer and bot on the carriage bolt.
Fun times.
Did I mention the weight?

I loaded up the surface with a good sealer.
I am hoping it is all it claims to be

The top was sealed with a tar based sealant from 3m.
The windows were done with the same product.
It worked great on those.
I am going to let it dry then cut the extra away and dress it up.

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