Monday, July 22, 2013

More paint Stripping

Friday Evening and all day Sunday was spent stripping paint.
I don't have the use of a sand blaster yet.
Once I do it may get easier.
I did pick up paint stripper and it seemed to have worked O.K.
There was 4 layers of paint.
It was still time consuming but it was a bit easier. I still needed to sand and wire wheel the surface metal to remove some of the nicks and scratches that years of service will leave.

                                   This is the last of the four. I hope to be priming it tonight.

So I wanted to remove the ceiling handle and raise it about four inches. After cutting the bolt and 17 washers, I found that it was all welded anyway.
This should be fun.

Its a quite and lonely place , late on a Sunday.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Striping in the heat

Well the last week or so was spent striping the lockers.
It is early in the process but I wanted to get the paint off and prime them to try and stop the damage that the rust was and would continue to create.

It also exposed the areas that will need repairs.

Maryland, July, 100 a metal caboose...what was I thinking...?

 I have decided that since the lockers were assembled after the wood was placed on the walls that it would be very hard to get the lockers out and replace the wood.
At this point, I am going to leave the lockers in place while replacing the wood.



Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The lockers

So, the center lockers are both part of the frame and installed over the wood.
So, I am not sure how I am going to treat these.
I took some time and wire wheeled the first locker.
It was time consuming and dirty.

Much of the metal under the chipping paint was in good shape.
There will certainly be repairs needed but I will not have a feel for that until the metal is exposed.
Sooo, that is the first order of business.

The Bathroom was next

The Bathroom stall had to go next.
The stalls, like the locker across from the bathroom , were installed after the side walls had been covered.
That will require that the stall be removed before I can remove the wood.
It is a slow process.

More clearing out

The last week or so have been spent getting the remaining wood off the walls and ceilings.
I was able to get the benches and the rear locker removed.
The bathroom was another treat.
The "john" had been welded to the floor.
Since I have not installed air conditioning yet, it makes it hard to work for extended amounts of time.