Monday, May 16, 2016

Working toward Paint , fixing the Decks

This weekend was spent repairing the decks on the front and back of the car. When the wall of the car rusted away, someone decided to fill the gap with tar. Well, that was not going to do. So.....the first thing s to remove the tar! This was a time consuming process SURPRISE!

This is what the seam of the deck, where it meets the wall of the car.
This is one of the four. Some worse than others but all needing attention

I cleaned the gap and exposed the opening.

Then I cut a piece of angle iron and fitted it to the area. I grind down the lip on the deck that once joined to the car. Then ground down the diamond pattern from the deck surface so the new piece would lay on a better surface, without gaps. This also helped the welding look nicer.

There was a overflow hose from the fill ports on the wall of the car. I cut that back in also.

All welded up! I had to wedge a 2x4 from the inside of the car to push the wall back into place and remove the gap that time and rust created.

The silver was a bit of seam sealer. It is primed and looks nice.

Three more to go!