Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Cleaning the underside of my dirty caboose

Today I spent the day cleaning the wheels and trucks on the bottom of the caboose.
The problem with this process is that the oil and dirt that has adhered to the wheels and the suspension had hardened over the last 50 years.
I tried to apply heat but it only caused the crud to stick even worse.

The only effective way to get this nasty stuff off was to use a hammer and chisel.
The sandblasting did not budge it.
It was a very slow process. ( big surprise )

I took a break from the wheels to do a bit more on the decks.
There is a tar based filler that has to be removed before I can weld the patch that will join the deck and the walls of the car.

There are four areas that will need this attention.
The days are getting longer and warmer.
Thank God.