Monday, May 5, 2014

Two More Windows...Done!

Well , smaller copula windows are complete.
I started Saturday with a very ambitious goal; do two windows.
Given the first window took 8 hrs, and the second 7... this was going to be a task.
The rivits had already been re,oved. So in the fitsr 15 minutes on site, the windows were out.

I was smarter this time, I cut a registry mark in the tops of each piece and an "L" or a "R" on the inside.
After they were out, I got to striping them

I removed some of the old welds. The gaps are really wide on these two.

I had to weld a filler into the seam to make it easier.

Once the welds were done, they were ground down and the filler was applied

As they dried, I moved on the the windows , themselves.
Cleaned and polished and ready to go back in.

Once these were done, I sanded the frames and painted them black.

I used an industrial grade tar based sealer.

They are painted now but i still intend to sand blast the entire car for the real paint job
Time to get some rest.
This one beat me up!