Monday, February 24, 2014

More holes to fill and bolts to install

Saturday was a great day to be outside. Wonderful weather for this time of year. Walking through a foot of snow to work was a pain but temps were great!
The morning started by welding the the pre-punched holes that did not line up. This was a pain but had to be done.
I also took the time to remove any bolts that did not sit flush against the steel. I don't want any leaks.

After that I ground down all the welds and primed it.

I also noticed all the different layers of paint! I can see yellow, red, green, and blue.

Next I had to install 3 patches into the underside of the roof edge.
The dye we made gave a great curve but it was not perfect so I Filled the gaps with another piece of steel.
Not as neat as I had hoped but it was hard to work up in that small area.